Many have taken advantages of new DNA technology available from companies such as 23andME. Users can discover potential health issues based on their ancestry. It also allows them to learn more about their lineage and possibly connect with long-lost family members.

There is an issue when that data is unearthed and stored online, and 23andME users are learning about those risks first-hand. In early October, 23andMe announced that hackers had obtained some user data. The data was retrieved using credential stuffing which is using common usernames such as user email addresses and passwords revealed in prior data breaches.

This points out the importance of using a different password for every service. We know it is an impossible task without a password manager. Lotus recommends PasswordBoss, but there are other good options available. This allows you to automatically create strong, complicated, and most importantly unique passwords for each online account. They are also portable as they are available on your desktop, notebook, and mobile devices. Mobile device integration has become better and better allowing for a friction-free process.

Back to the 23andMe hack. The criminals are now beginning to post stolen records. They are not just targeting everyday users. They have released data of the wealthiest people living in the U.S. and Western Europe.

23andMe and encouraged users to change their passwords and enable multi-factor authentication. At this time, no one knows the extent of the amount of data stolen including company officials at 23andMe. Due to the nature of the attack, they may never know the full extent of the damage.